davidgow.net: Greetings!

It's Commander Keen

Hi! I'm David Gow, known sometimes as sulix, and this domain (with its rather unimaginative name) is mine. I'm a Software Engineer by trade, having played around at various points with the MySQL server codebase, the Linux kernel, and porting and QA for Linux games.

I'm always happy to answer any questions people have about Linux games or programming in general, so always feel free to email me at david@davidgow.net.


A unit testing framework for the Linux kernel
Handmade Penguin
A Linux game porting tutorial based on Handmade Hero
A symbol-version wrapper for gcc and glibc
Multiwinia for Linux
Ported Introversion Software's Multiwinia to Linux
Ported Promesst and Promesst 2 to Linux
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Patch
Patches to fix various bugs in Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds
Larry the Dinosaur 3
Ported the unfinished Larry the Dinosaur 3 prototype to SDL/Linux
A library for using real OPL2 synthesizer chips on Linux via ALSA
A Commander Keen Reimplementation
Keen 1 Randomiser
A tool to randomise item locations in Commander Keen 1
An extractor for To the Moon's datafiles
Age of Empires Scrolling Bug
An analysis of, and patches fixing, the "stuck scrolling" bug in the Age of Empires games.
Keen Dreams
Modding utilities and the short-lived Steam port of Keen Dreams
An extractor for SimFarm's datafiles
A tool for generating DOS .OBJ files from Keen data files
An Uncivilized File Extractor for Civilization: Call to Power

General Musings